Eye Catching Displays, Vehicle Graphics, Banners and More!

Call us at 800.467.EDGE or 330.372.2232

Mahoning Ave. Warren, Ohio 44483

A division of PrintersEdge.com

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Image Uploading Info (please read prior to uploading)

We need images/designs in a Vector format or High Resolution JPG, TIFF, PDF, or PSD Files (Preferably at least 300 DPI or higher. We do not accept CDR's).

NOT Accepted: A "Bitmap" format (internet images, .gif, .bmp, jpeg, etc). If you are using a "scanned image" it is a Bitmap. Images from websites and the Internet are not only Bitmaps but usually only 72 DPI (dots per inch) and very low resolution = low quality for printing. These look great on your computer monitor but are not useable for printing. We look at each art job and determine the best course to yield the best print and fit within your budget.

The best file formats for printing.

  1. CDR (Corel draw),
  2. AI (Adobe Illustrator),
  3. EPS (Encapsulated Postscript),
  4. High Res TIF, PDF, or JPG (300 DPI or higher)
  5. WMF (Windows Metafile)
  6. or DXF/DWG (AutoCAD)
  7. PSD Adobe Photoshop saves as a PSD. File and is a JPEG. Resolution should be set at minimum 150 to 200 maximum, preferred is 300 dip +.

If you are sending a multiple color image, please do not flatten.

If you are sending a single color image, please send as a flat image.